The main function in this package.
mixtureReg(regData, formulaList, xName = NULL, yName = NULL,
mixingProb = c("Constant", "loess"), initialWList = NULL,
epsilon = 1e-08, max_iter = 10000, max_restart = 15,
min_lambda = 0.01, min_sigmaRatio = 0.1, silently = TRUE)
data frame used in fitting model.
a list of the regression components that need to be estimated.
character; Name used to pick x variable from data.
character; Name used to pick y variable from data.
character; Specify how the mixing probabilities are estimated in the M step. "Constant" specifies a constant mixing probabilities; "loess" specifies predictor dependent mixing probabilities obtained by loess smoothing.
a list of weights guesses (provided by user). Typically this is not used, unless the user has a good initial guess.
a small value that the function consider as zero. The value is used in determine matrix sigularity and in determine convergence.
the maximum number of iterations.
the maximum number of restart before giving up.
a value used to ensure estimated mixing probabilities (lambda's) are not too close to zero.
a value used to prevent estimated variaces of any regression component from collapsing to zero.
a switch to turn off the screen printout.
A class 'mixtureReg' object.